In our formal discipline process, which is where you go before a board, because we have what I'll call prosecutors and defence counsel—we have different terms for them—they have access to a database that contains all of our decisions. They can search for a term such as “impaired driving” or other things like that, and the database will produce a series of cases. They review those cases and determine how a case is the same or different. Most of them have experience in this area and will develop their own tables, which they'll have with them, so they'll know what you're talking about.
In informal discipline, we have advisers available. They will consult with these representatives. When you're talking about informal discipline, there's no board involved. Again, there's experience. There is a range of sanctions that you know are imposed under certain circumstances, and then you take your aggravating and mitigating circumstances into account.
Other departments have gone with a more formalized process. I don't know if it's abuse of authority with no aggravating factors, you're going to get three days or five days, or 10 days if it's serious. I saw that in the FBI context.
We clearly will have to move in that direction, because the decision-making is going to be at a lower level. In the more serious cases, which are now going to be below dismissal, there will be a group in there that previously would have been through a board. That's going to be less formalized. It's now going to be in the non-board process. We're going to need to have mechanisms in place to ensure consistency and ensure there is an understanding of the facts and the range of sanctions that would be imposed in that instance. There will have to be some clear work done in that area.