It's probably like no other organization in the country. The RCMP has an opportunity here with a centralized recruitment group, in a centralized area, with a standardized length or period of time for their training, and a dedicated training day within a week where there isn't an option to attend or not attend. It's a competency-based program in every sense of the word and it could deliver that.
You said that the part of the section where the commissioner may direct the learning and training of the RCMP is a really positive step toward dealing with the prevention aspect of some of these challenges they're facing.
We move now to the comments you made around the continuing education aspect and maybe the growth of it, because challenges and reality change and so too must the training and awareness of this.
Do you see it as a positive step now that the legislation is different from the past, where these kinds of issues can be dealt with now at the first instance? In the past, if an issue of harassment, whether sexual, psychological, or any other form of harassment, occurred in the workplace, the past system engaged a very legal framework. A manager in his own detachment in rural and remote Canada, who would love to sit the member down and tell the member that what was done was inappropriate and it needed to be corrected couldn't do that because the legislation and the system didn't allow it. Now with the change in this bill, a detachment commander can sit down with the person involved and deal with it right away, at the very first instance.
Do you see that as a positive step to slowing the unfortunate growth of this kind of inappropriate conduct within the force?