I found them rather amusing. It would seem to me that if an investigation has to take place and it's important, you get the resources. You don't decide you won't have the investigation. You make sure you have it.
I haven't got the exact figures, but millions of dollars were spent on both the Iacobucci and O'Connor commissions, and there were others, because of these problems, that weren't properly dealt with by the CPC, etc. You end up spending more money in the long run when you have to have a special royal commission to deal with these matters. Better that they have the powers to deal with them.
It would seem to me that the chair and the people who run the new CRCC should have the resources available to do what they have to do. If they didn't have the resources, like any agency of the government, they would request more special resources to do the job, but not give up, I hope. I found those rather strange provisions.