I agree with Rob Alexander. I think in retrospect, one of the RCMP officers in one of his interviews used the words “eureka point”. The question was why these guys were not stopped; they were following the individuals, but they were not stopped. His answer was that they were not at the eureka point where they could stop them under the existing law.
So this will be useful, and as I said, we have to be proactive. Let us hope we don't have to deal after the fact. We can stop them; it doesn't matter.... Sometimes it happens that the events that are stopped before they take place are not counted in these statistics. It's almost like asking, “Why do I need insurance or a fire extinguisher if I've never had a fire?” Let us hope it happens that way, that it is not needed.
As a group, we are very satisfied with the provisions in Bill S-7 and with its procedural safeguards that it balances civil liberties against the need to protect law-abiding citizens.