Well, there are a couple of things. I think if it does not...it must be bounded by safeguards. Part of the problem with not prosecuting and simply creating risk profiles and not using the Criminal Code is that you certainly lack the public scrutiny on it. You lack the oversight that judges do.
We're not a society that says in general when the police think that someone may not be the...that we should just reduce their liberty for 12 months to give them a cooling period. That has not been the Canadian way. That has not been the way in which presumption of innocence works.
What we have invested in instead...because we are concerned that indeed mistakes may occur. People may have a tendency to restrict the liberty of people in an unfair way. What will the remedy be for these people who for 12 months will not be able to do anything...? You know, you could prevent them from travelling; there are lots of consequences. And they've never had their day in court. They will not have a day in court to justify this. The consequences there are immense.
I think the idea of investigating and trying to pursue the route that we know works and that has worked for a long time, protecting the presumption of innocence but at the same time ensuring the safety of the public, is the criminal law route. I'm not saying that we should not invest in....
Sorry; go ahead.