As my colleague pointed out in his opening remarks, CSIS conducted a wide-ranging study of radicalization here in Canada, and it concluded at the end of the day that there's not a specific set of drivers for any one group in Canada.
We have seen an augmentation. Of particular concern to us is the appeal that some youth have to travelling abroad and joining theatres of jihad abroad. That is of great concern to us, not only because of their potential travel outside Canada to join a theatre of jihad and then potentially getting involved in terrorism-related activity, but their eventual return, if they do return to Canada. What would they do once they return? Would they be a vector for additional radicalization here in Canada if they returned with the aura they would have as a foreign fighter? Those are the issues we are very much concerned with.
As for having a specific trajectory to radicalization, we're very much continuing to study that because we've found no specific path to radicalization.