Well, your first question about police contracts is an important question, as you mentioned and Mr. Stamatakis mentioned. Over 88% of our budget goes into policing costs and compensation, and in Ontario, for example, the difference between the highest-paid and the lowest-paid jurisdiction is under $1,000.
That doesn't make sense. The cost of living varies from community to community, so it is an area that has to be looked at. We have started talking about it. You are quite right; we are talking about this. I mentioned that in Toronto we reduced our budget by about 10%. How did we do it? We had to put a freeze on hiring and promotions—i.e., reduce the number of people in our organization—in order to be able to afford the contract.
On your second question about jurisdiction, I think Mr. Stamatakis is quite right that there is a lot of money being spent—$12 billion just in security, and if you add up the other jurisdictions, there's even more. Have we struck the right balance? I would have to say no, and that's why you heard both of us say we need a whole-system approach in which we need to look at policing in the broader context of community safety. The things police are doing these days—Mr. McFee talked about this—cut across jurisdictions, but we look at policing only in the context of public safety.
I propose that we need to do an economic modelling, because relief is being provided in other portfolios because the police are taking on certain costs. We need to do that analysis. We don't have that.