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An integrated approach takes different forms, depending on what we are talking about.
I agree with Dale and the explanation he gave. Within the service, there can be an integrated approach as well.
A question was asked earlier about using a police officer for everything. I would suggest—this is a discussion that's happening—that we can have an integration of different skill sets within the police service to deal with a problem in the way that Dale mentioned, from diagnosis to prosecution. We don't need to have a police officer perform all the roles.
We go into schools for school safety; there is no reason the police agency couldn't have youth workers doing that, rather than a uniformed police officer.
We go and deal with domestic violence. There is no reason social workers couldn't be part of an integrated approach taken by the service to that issue. We already do that, for instance, in dealing with mental health: we pair up a mental health nurse with a police officer. They go out in a mobile crisis team, and they deal with the issue together.
In addition to the kind of inter-agency integration that Mr. McFee has talked about, there can be integration of different skill sets within the agency .