I believe that's the case. Certainly we can get back to you on it, but I think that's the early evidence in relation to impaired driving. It's the reason that a lot of people have gone to cameras.
The impaired driving discussion is an interesting one, though, and it comes up in the economics of policing because it's a problem in our country. Police chiefs and front-line staff are seeing so many young people lost to impaired driving, it's sad. It truly is sad. I know my home community just had one the other day.
If we really want to think differently when we look at impaired driving and we want to challenge the system a bit, we can look at the three things around impaired driving—the driver, the drug or alcohol, and the vehicle. Wouldn't we just tackle the vehicle and make it so that we had to blow into something to drive the vehicle? You would drop impaired driving by 70% or 80% overnight.
I mean, it's just a thought; I realize that a lot of different things come into play. But it's the same thing as the airbag, it's the same thing as the seat belt, and it's the same thing as the headrest. I know they're studying the technology in the U.S.
Impaired driving is a case that we have to get right, because we're just losing too many young people.