I completely agree with your comments. We're right now engaged in a research project in which we are spending a significant amount of time looking at rural and remote policing so that we can address some of these issues, or at least start to have a conversation around these issues.
Some of the frustrations for me and for the members I represent who work in the kinds of communities you're talking about—first nations, with difficult working conditions and lots of funding issues—are exactly the issues you identified. The concern I have is that we're having this big discussion about the economics of policing and finding efficiencies, but it's all centred around the piece of our country that runs along the U.S.-Canada border, the southern piece, and then there's this whole other big part of our country in the rural and remote areas that's not part of the discussion. That needs to be part of the discussion when we talk about the economics of policing because there are some real challenges in those communities. I acknowledge that for sure.