When you look at the kinds of things that police officers deal with on a daily basis in terms of addressing issues and challenges in the community, anything that can get them back on the road quicker is helpful. We've talked, for example, about some communities that have created integrated domestic violence units. In those instances, they've been able to bring various partners together to more effectively deal with the perpetrators of the crime but also to deal with victims of crime.
What's important to remember is that we as an organization aren't really focusing on the operational issues because we rely on the expertise of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the CPA, and the police boards to really focus on that kind of information. We're really looking at how to focus on roles, responsibilities, and resources. I know I keep referring to that, but I think that really is the key message from us in order to make the best use of municipal tax dollars and tax dollars from the other two orders of government.