Do you find there's a bit of a dual message? First of all, I think the government's line would probably be that the federal government is responsible for the Criminal Code, and the provinces and municipal police forces are responsible, pretty much, for all aspects of enforcement and therefore the federal government doesn't really have a major responsibility to fund policing across the land.
Do you find there's a dual message being sent when, for example, despite this message of respect for jurisdictions, the government brings in a temporary police recruitment fund which is used to fund things like the Eclipse program in Montreal, and then withdraws funding under the notion that policing is really a municipal or provincial responsibility? Aren't we getting two messages here? Doesn't that make the issue a little murkier from your perspective? On the one hand the government is saying that it's provincial and municipal, but then offers a little pot of money to help recruit police officers, and then says it won't renew it, and so on and so forth. Isn't that contradictory?