If you look at the authorities that are within the act, there's the authority for emergency protection. That'll be enhanced with this new legislation to broaden that time period. That will usually come during a fast-moving, fast-breaking investigation.
There are other investigations, such as organized crime investigations, that are slower to develop, and during that developmental phase, when you're assessing the potential of an agent or a witness and bringing or co-opting that person towards the public safety needs of Canadians, that relationship has to managed. If they are assessed and brought into the witness protection program, then there is the continued management or relationship-building. Boiling it down, it all becomes about human relationships on the front end to access the information, and then to continue the protection regime that you're bringing this person into.
I believe we're moving towards a more robust means by which we can support that person. What we don't want to do is bring the person halfway and then abandon the person. It takes away from the credibility of policing and it does a disservice to those who step up to engage and help us.