Thank you. Good morning, Mr. Chair, ladies and gentlemen.
We thank you for the opportunity to appear before you this morning. I speak on behalf of the 24,000 regular and civilian members of the RCMP who serve across Canada and internationally, providing their perspective and input.
My name is Abe Townsend. I have 32 years of service. I'm one of two national executives on the staff relations program and have been an elected representative since 2004.
The staff relations program is the non-union labour relations program for all 24,000 members of the RCMP. The program is authorized by law to represent them on all issues affecting the welfare and/or dignity of the members.
During my service, I've lived in four different provinces and two territories. My duties have included uniformed general duty policing, federal policing, and major crime investigation.
On behalf of those I represent, I wish to thank the government for advancing Bill C-51, the safer witnesses act, which will in turn advance the public safety interests of all Canadians. Bill C-51, when it passes into law, will serve to protect not only police officers, but those people the police rely on to carry out their duty to protect.
Policing continues to become more complex. The disclosure protections within this legislation will serve to address a portion of the complexity and some of the risk facing those who serve to protect. I have consulted with the RCMP members whose substantive duties are within the witness protection program. They are encouraged and look forward to Bill C-51 becoming law, as it will enhance their ability to perform their duties on behalf of all Canadians.
Again, thank you. I look forward to replying to any questions the committee may have.