Yes, it's interesting. When we removed the towers many years ago it was because the threat we were worried about at that time was offenders escaping. We removed the towers because we put in technology around the perimeter—fence detection systems, motion detection systems, and armed mobile patrols—that actually provide us with a better response capability if somebody is trying to escape.
In those years we never worried about the intrusion from the outside-in. This is a new phenomenon over the last five or so years, so this is a challenge for us. In some of our institutions we have put the towers back, and in other cases we've been experimenting with new technology. For example, in Drumheller Institution and one of the institutions in Quebec, we've been experimenting with thermal imaging radar to detect people on our perimeter before they get close to our fences. The early indications of that technology are very positive and we'll be looking at how we can apply that in some places.