Thank you very much.
I want to thank both Mr. Clarke and Ms. Chu for being with us today. I apologize again for cutting back on some of the time because of the votes we had in the Commons this morning. But thank you for your points.
Something new that you have brought out that we haven't heard from others is pain management. Maybe that's something we'll be able to explore a little more. There were a few questions on that.
I invite our new guests to the table.
In our second hour today we have, from Corrections Services Canada, Mr. Don Head, the Commissioner of CSC; and Mr. Christer McLauchlan, security intelligence officer at the Stony Mountain Institution.
You obviously heard in the first hour what our study is on, so I won't go through all that again. We thank you for coming back on this study that we're doing. We appreciate your assisting us by ensuring that we have your testimony and testimony from your staff, including Mr. McLauchlan.
Commissioner Head, please proceed. Thank you again.