One of the things that we've done from an operation standpoint is adopt a pilot project to deliver a hub model similar to the one that Chief McFee did in Prince Albert. In fact, we went to Prince Albert and virtually stole, copied, begged, borrowed, and everything else, what he did there. We're piloting that in one of our tougher divisions, up in 23 Division, in Rexdale. We're starting to see the same types of benefits, financially and on an efficiency basis, that Chief McFee experienced when he was chief at Prince Albert.
Chief Blair has already implemented—in January, 2012—a complete review of all of our administrative and operational functions within the police service to look for efficiencies and economies. We've begun to civilianize. Front-line positions that were formerly done by police officers are now becoming civilian. For instance, our booking hall officers, who were fully sworn officers, 115 in total across the 17 divisions that I have, have now become 80% civilianized using special constables out of our court services division.
As an example, we're looking at fully leveraging information technologies. Toronto was one of the first major police services in Ontario, one of the first in Canada, to fully implement a social media strategy. We're now leveraging digital media and social media in many new ways to reduce human cost. The number of officers and the time it takes to go out and stop and talk to 1,000 people in the street.... With a $2.99 software app available through open source, we can get more rich information, more geocoded location information, a complete picture of crime networks and good-guy networks. It's all available from open source information without putting a single pair of police officers into boots and onto the street with all the risks and costs that come with that.
I could go on. I'd be happy to submit a list of review areas that the chief has undertaken through his review of his whole service as material for you to consider, and a process for you to consider, for police chiefs across Canada.