We also have, appearing by video conference from Toronto, Deputy Chief Peter Sloly from the Toronto Police Service, who is in charge of divisional policing command. Deputy Chief Michael Federico was to attend, but he is unable to speak with us this morning. He has also notified us that he will send us a written presentation.
We want to thank both the Calgary chief and the Toronto deputy chief for appearing this morning and helping us in our study of the costs of policing in Canada. Our committee recognizes the good work of these two police forces and the efforts of the men and women on the front lines who serve and protect these large Canadian cities.
I would invite each of you to make some brief opening statements before we proceed into questions. Chief Hanson has provided us with a chart. Unfortunately, it's only in one language, so we are unable to circulate it. We will see if we can get that translated so you will get a copy later on, but he may be making reference to it in his presentation.
Welcome, Chief Hanson. We will begin with you.