First and foremost is raising the awareness of the auxiliary program across Canada for all police forces. Every one of us has some sort of program like ours, maybe with a different name such as the cadet program or whatever. Raising that awareness for interest, for people to get in there and try that out, is one thing, but setting a quota or trying to set a number for us becomes difficult.
I want to jump in on that last question because at a three-man detachment, for example, we don't have the time to have an auxiliary ride around with us all the time. We have stuff we need to do by ourselves. We can't have them in the room when we're interviewing somebody. We have investigations that have to be done. We have places we have to go, people we have to see, and we simply can't have that tail tagging along behind us. But they play an important role and we have a need for them to do all kinds of things, and we have to keep them challenged.
If we can't keep a group of auxiliaries challenged, doing certain things and being involved with us front and centre—I'm going through an issue with ours right now on the uniform. They have a certain uniform. We took the yellow stripe away so they wouldn't look like policemen when we're out doing duties, when they had that extra.... We're different.
We're different from England, where no police officer there carries a gun except the armed guys who are in cars, so anybody who has a uniform there and is wearing a bobby hat is the first go-to person. They're not expected to be assaulted or that kind of thing, whereas in Canada we are different, so we have this Canada Labour Code application on us to show a difference.
We're putting the stripe back on their pants for ceremonial purposes, so they will look like us in ceremonies with blue serge. They don't get red ones, but this is getting over that hump of what's the difference between us. They are very proud. Our auxiliaries are very proud of serving with us, and if the committee can make any recommendation in that regard to enhance that need, that use, the benefit of their being in our program—