It depends on the manner in which the community wants to engage the police. A number of communities have community consultative groups of volunteers and professionals from the community. They're a body within the community that meets with the police to establish community policing priorities.
In some communities, that particular process is done through the elected political representatives. It's part of the annual performance plan process. The detachment commander meets with the elected body of officials and has those same discussions that you'd have with the community consultative group about what the issues are in the community and what they would like to see the police focus on. In seeking that input, we're very mindful of not defining for the community what their problems are. If the concern is speeding at 3:30 when school closes, then we'll be mindful of a proactive program to address that particular community concern.
We do seek that feedback. Detachment commanders are required to have those consultations and to have an annual performance plan with measures that are established at the outset of that particular year to deal with those community issues that are identified.