—so you can pat him on the back for that, yes.
There are 16 police academies across the country and we work with each one of those to varying degrees. JIBC would use probably five or six of our courses as part of their cadet training program. Similarly, the Atlantic Police Academy uses five or six. Depot uses some of our online courses. As for Lethbridge, I'm not so sure. I just don't know how many courses they would use.
What's really working in general, whether it's in police services or academies, is a blending of technology and classroom. You don't eliminate the classroom, but if you're going to do an interviewing course in a classroom, a lot of police training academies and police services are asking their people to take the online course first. It's a two-hour course. It gives you all the basics. Then you can come in and talk about interviewing and do some role playing and that sort of thing.
So a lot of the police training academies across the country are doing that. Saskatchewan Police College is doing that as well.