I would agree very much with what Darcy said. In the end, it comes down to staff. The tools are excellent. The staff need to remain vigilant, and they do. They're well trained and do a good job. And I'm not just talking about correctional officers; it's everybody's responsibility. The key is the funnelling of the information into a central point for security intelligence, so that we can intercede and prevent or deter folks from wanting to bring drugs in.
When I look at the urinalysis results at the women's facilities, for example, they are significantly lower than at the men's facilities. I think we have a different dynamic in the women's facilities. It's less organized and less prevalent. The women are very highly motivated to get the help they need. We have a significantly lower rate for positive testing, which suggests to me that we've made significant headway with the resources we've been given to prevent drugs from coming in.