I would encourage all members, if they have not been to a parole board hearing, to attend a parole board hearing and experience it, because of the nature of it. You have the professionals from the parole board at the front of the room. In fact, I think the room is generally about one-quarter of the size of this one, so it's very intimate. Then you have the offender, who is facing the parole board officials, and then you have the family behind that.
The family has the right.... Like I said, you have to understand too that if this had happened to any of us—I don't know if anybody here has been victimized—you would certainly feel like you're the standard-bearer. You need to make sure their memory lasts on. They feel this compelling duty to be there, yet it's a feeling that's contrasted with this terrible thought that they're in the same room with the person who took away their loved one, or loved ones in the plural, particularly in Mr. Rallo's case.
You don't even need to participate in the hearing. You just need to be there to experience the pain and trauma. One of the things that a meeting brings home to you very clearly is that once someone is victimized to this degree, it changes their life forever. They're never the same person. They will feel this loss for the rest of their life.