Sure. If you look at section 142, you'll see it's really giving direction to the Parole Board of Canada about information. It says:
142. (1) At the request of a victim of an offence committed by an offender, the Chairperson (a) shall disclose to the victim the following information....
Then there is paragraph (b) “may disclose”. This bill is recommending that portions of the “may disclose” become mandatory. What we're recommending is that those mandatory portions are reflective basically, giving direction to Correctional Service Canada. We're suggesting that they mirror each other. One of the simplest examples I can use is that it's important—for example, that video—when somebody's being brought back into the community on a work release. That's under Correctional Service Canada, so in order for Correctional Service Canada to give that information, we're saying it should be the same as is reflected here. That information should be allowed to be given and should be made mandatory.
Our recommendation is that all items under “may disclose” should be made mandatory as well.