I think it's important for us, as the family, to know what courses he's done. We do get that, but it's important to know that some are mandatory. Just to say, “Here's a list of things that will help you reintegrate back into society and that we hope you'll take advantage of” is not good enough.
You have to remember that when they are in jail, they lose the right to use money, to wait for a bus, to just do common courtesies and common pleasantries. They need to know this stuff. I'm all for a criminal who has served their time coming back out onto the street, but make sure when they come back out that they are ready to tackle the world. Make sure they know what they're in for, so that they don't come out, freak out, get scared, and recommit the only crime they know to get back in again.
As Dobson said in his own parole hearing—it's on our website—jail is the only home he has ever known. If you want to go back home, you just get in your car and go and see the old neighbourhood. For him to go back home as he knows it to be, which is jail, he has to kill again.
So it's important that we know that they have taken these courses, that they are mandatory courses, and that they are completely and totally ready to face society again, safely and securely.