If I may, Mr. Chair, perhaps we could add words to the proposed subsection to the effect that “or should a victim or member of their family choose not to attend in person, the Board shall provide for the victim or family member”, and then go into this amended language that they observe the hearing by any means appropriate.
If I'm correct that we can add that here, to me that would change from the discretionary to giving victims the right to choose not to attend and be able to observe through another means. That's what I heard victims asking for at the table; it's that broader right to be able to observe. This would take away the travel problems for them, potentially, and it would take away some of the fear problems that some people have. To me, that would be an important expansion of victims' rights.
What I'm trying to accomplish here is what I think we heard from those witnesses. I'm hoping we can do that through an appropriate amendment here.