Thank you, Madame Lefebvre.
The chair obviously has no position to take on the issue other than, of course, to cast a tie-breaking vote on the issue.
The chair also has an expression of opinion in that there are two sides. One, the chair has a great deal of sympathy for the fact that truly we haven't had potentially adequate time for translation. That is of deep concern to the chair. However, the chair has to abide by the fact that a motion was passed to deal with that. That concern could have or should have been discussed at that time prior to the passing of that motion. It was not.
On the other side, the chair also recognizes that there have been significant amendments put in that I do think—certainly I can't pass judgment on it but I would hope that most of the participants around the table would see this as a very obvious and sincere attempt to deal with the realities of the testimony that we heard before that. So at this particular point, the chair will not discuss anything further other than to call for a vote on the motion.