I thank all witnesses.
Ms. Hancox, I think you've said that even people who have been taken from us have a voice, and that's good. Certainly, you've been your husband's voice, and you're to be commended for that.
I will admit that in Ms. Gray-Donald's presentation, there is a possibility.... I think in her presentation she said that CSC, Correctional Services, tends to release somebody in order to make them look good. I think you kind of half mentioned that in your last statement, where people working closely in an institution get to know them, build a relationship, and kind of hope everything will work out. I will say there is that danger when it's not the Parole Board.
In his presentation I think Mr. Head tabled some new information from what we have been currently dealing with. I'll quote the paragraph, “I would like to inform this committee that recently, since February 2014, CSC promulgated an internal case management policy which requires CSC's victim services unit to inform registered victims that they can submit an up-to-date statement for consideration, intended for the decision-maker, outlining any concerns they may have with respect to release destinations and special conditions, thus strengthening victim consideration in the decision-making process.”
Giving that new information, is that helpful or is it not? Do we have to go as far as this bill is suggesting? What's your view on that?