Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'm Daryl Churney and I'm the director of corrections policy at Public Safety Canada. I'm joined today by Michel Laprade, general counsel of legal services at Correctional Service Canada.
I did hear Mr. Easter's question, and I think I would just reiterate Mr. Norlock's answer, which is Bill C-483 only makes amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, as you know. However, that said, the Criminal Code is the parent authority for escorted temporary absences, so the CCRA is the subordinate legislation subject to the Criminal Code. The Criminal Code is very explicit and very clear in that the Parole Board of Canada is responsible for ETAs other than those for medical reasons, to attend judicial proceedings, or to attend a coroner's inquest. That will not change as a result of this bill. CCRA will remain subject to the Criminal Code and that explicit authority for wardens will remain in effect.