Welcome to meeting number two of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security in the second session of the 41st Parliament.
Today's agenda of committee business will consist of the adoption of routine motions and the planning of business.
Before we start the official part of the meeting, let me acknowledge the past accomplishments of this committee.
To both the members and certainly the staff, I extend a sincere thank you and an expression of gratitude on behalf of all Canadians to all members for their cooperation and their contribution to this committee.
As your chair my desire is to build upon these past successes, and obviously, to complete unfinished business and to deal effectively with all new business before this committee.
I would advise all members that the chair is always open to dialogue that will advance the positive interests of this committee. Of course, as your new chair, I'm at your service, and as always, open to an extension of courtesy and cooperation in setting the tone for where we'll go with this committee.
With the little niceties aside, we'll now turn to business.
I would like to thank both the government and the opposition members for notifying the chair that they plan to introduce motions today. That's a marvellous courtesy going forward and it adds, obviously, to the expeditious movement of our committee here. Of course, should we get caught up in debate on these motions, which has been known to happen once or twice over the history of this Parliament, then I would hope we would recognize that we do have responsibilities as well to complete some planning of future business.
As such, I'm hopeful that we will proceed as normal and have plenty of time to deal with future planning. Should we not, I'm asking for the consideration of this committee to ensure that we have at least 15 minutes at the end of today's meeting to provide for the fact that we are not here on Thursday. In order to give our staff, analysts and clerk the opportunity to prepare for Tuesday's and Thursday's meeting the next week, we have to do something with regard to future business today.
I'm hopeful that we will get through the motions, but if not, I'm asking for unanimous consent from this committee to at least dedicate the last 15 minutes to future business. Do I have that consent?