For a lot of people, frankly, it's part of philanthropy. A lot of corporations already spend a fair amount of money that is not about return on investment for the corporation, but rather, is about contributing to their communities. There are a lot of investors who are simply trying to design different mechanisms for making investments through the marketplace that, again, have that double return. The idea is that you get a return for your investment but you also get a social impact, and they are trying to bring those things together. There is an acknowledgement, in a market context, that you would get less money on your return, because they aren't the lucrative sorts of investments that are possible in other sectors that are more monetized.
The very idea is that these are individuals and corporations that actually believe they want to put their money to social good. As I said, one of the best areas in Canada that is worth exploring, simply by way of a comparative analysis, is what is done in the environment sector. For instance, I can speak to a small family foundation that on Vancouver Island bought up tracts of land so they could prevent trees from being cut down. They funded that by cutting down a small section of trees, creating high-end condos that they sold for a profit, which reinitialized the foundation's base of funding but allowed them to protect big tracts of land on Vancouver Island. That's a simple example of where a small family was able to make a simple investment to protect large tracts of land, and they were able to monetize it through the development of high-end condos. That's only a simple example of this.
We were looking in the criminal justice context at potentially partnering with Correctional Service Canada through CORCAN, their business entity, in potential employment programs that would allow us to do good rehabilitation with offenders but have them do returns to the community by way of, for instance, building houses—giving the offenders skills, giving them the opportunity to work, but also creating a social good in terms of building social housing in the community.
There are all sorts of examples.