Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to address you today. I understand that you're interested in understanding social finance for your study and how it might be used in the area of crime prevention.
In my remarks, I will focus on explaining social finance through concrete examples and I will outline the government's approach to social finance.
Social finance is an approach to mobilizing multiple sources of capital to deliver a social dividend and an economic return in the achievement of social and environmental goals. It provides opportunities to leverage additional investments to increase the available dollars to scale up proven approaches. It also creates opportunities for investors to finance projects that benefit society and for community organizations to access new sources of funds.
Social finance includes a new approach to investing, impact investing, which has been described as actively placing capital in businesses and funds that generate social and/or environmental good, and at least a nominal principal to the investor. For government, social finance is an instrument to achieve more effective outcomes, mobilize private capital for public good, and leverage all community assets. In Canada the momentum toward social finance came largely from the not-for-profit sector with the launch of the non-governmental Canadian Task Force on Social Finance in 2010, which published reports in 2010 and 2011.
The emergence of social finance initiatives in Canada is being driven by demand from stakeholders within both the private and the non-profit sectors, where a growing number of organizations are seeking access to capital markets to build more sustainable organizations and scale up their work.
Social finance is an emerging field at the international level, but other countries have already implemented several initiatives, which provide the Government of Canada with lessons learned and best practices. Internationally, several tools are being used to advance social finance.
One such tool is social impact bonds or SIBs. These are instruments for funding projects where a pre-arranged amount of money is paid out if performance results are achieved. SIBs combine a pay-for-performance element with an investment-based approach. Private investors provide upfront capital to fund interventions, and they can expect to get back their principal investment and a financial return if the results are achieved. The presence of investors is the main difference between SIBs and pay for performance. The private investors take on the risk of identifying and funding the interventions. The risk is only rewarded if, as I said, success is achieved.
To date, the U.K. government has led the way in piloting SIBs, launching multiple projects in a variety of strategic sectors. And it currently has some 15 projects in place. The first SIB, as you may be aware, occurred in Peterborough, England, and was focused on supporting recently released inmates to prevent reoffending.
Several SIB projects are also under way or in development in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and Belgium.
A second tool is social enterprises. A social enterprise is a company whose goal is to provide goods and services while also advancing a social mission. This emerging business model helps increase the financial strength of community organizations by providing an alternate source of revenue to tackle complex social problems. Social enterprises are commonly run by a charity or a not-for-profit organization. Revenues raised by the business operation are then reinvested into the charity to support its programs and operations, while the business itself can help at-risk populations develop labour market skills. Several jurisdictions have created specific supports for social enterprises, such as programs to develop business skills of social entrepreneurs and make social enterprises investment-ready, hybrid corporate forms, and tax incentives that encourage investment in social enterprises.
A third tool is social investment funds, which aim to create a pool of money that can be used to invest in social finance projects. Their investments can take the form of a debt or equity.
They play a key role as a market intermediary, connecting organizations looking for capital with investors, and reducing transaction costs in the market.
Several countries are supporting existing social investment funds with injections of capital, notably Ireland and Australia. The U.K., again the leader in this field, has set up a wholesale lender called Big Society Capital, which plays a role similar to a social finance bank, lending money to other funds that make social investments.
All of these tools share similar traits. They focus on innovative approaches, the leveraging of private sector resources and acumen in addressing those issues, and a focus on outcomes and results.
Let me turn to social finance in Canada. The Government of Canada has affirmed an interest in social finance in successive budgets since 2010, including the most recent one. Despite Canada's strong safety net and community specific programs, there continues to be pressing social challenges in our country. Budget 2014 emphasized that governments are not always best placed to solve the most pressing social or economic problems.There are Canadians who possess innovative solutions to these problems, and there are others who are willing to fund social entrepreneurs in meeting these challenges. So in the most recent Speech from the Throne, the government committed to act on the opportunities presented by social finance, and in budget 2014 to support Canadians' use of innovative approaches to addressing pressing social and economic needs.
As in other countries, the federal government is not the only actor interested in social finance; provinces are at times closer to the ground, possess unique policy levers and can more quickly enact innovative policies. Provinces and territories have introduced new measures and initiatives to advance social finance. Here are some examples.
B.C. created a new corporate forum for social enterprises; Alberta launched a $1 billion social innovation endowment fund that will in part fund the development of SIB projects; Saskatchewan, this week, launched Canada's first social impact bond focused on supportive housing for at-risk single mothers; Ontario launched a social enterprise strategy and a fund to provide grants and investments; it also launched a call for social-impact-bond ideas in the areas of housing, youth at risk, and barriers to employment.
Quebec has long supported the social economy, a concept that is similar, but not identical, to social finance. Some common features include the blending of revenue generation, investment and the pursuit of social good.
While these actions all speak to a growing interest in social finance across Canada, building an efficient marketplace will require coordinated action and leadership across the country. The federal government is well positioned to help create the conditions for all players to harness the potential of social finance, and has unique levers at its disposal.
In budget 2014, the government committed to working with leaders in the not-for-profit sector and private sector to explore the potential for social finance initiatives and examine whether there are barriers to their success.
Finally, I'd like to say a few words about the work on social innovation and social finance and Employment and Social Development Canada.
In recent years, ESDC has taken incremental steps toward social finance by testing the capacity of community based organizations to leverage federal grants and contributions to get matching dollars from the private sector. ESDC has also tested aspects of pay for performance, and in October 2013 we launched a literacy and essential skills initiative that is modelled on elements of a social impact bond.
In November 2012, we launched the national call for concepts for social finance. It was meant to test the level of awareness and interest in social finance in Canada. It was an open, web-based, crowd-sourcing initiative that solicited innovative and collaborative ideas from Canadians to address social challenges using social finance. We issued a report--I believe you have a copy--in May of last year, and it committed the government to four next steps.
The first was to further the conversation on social finance across the country. The second was to connect new partners across sectors. The third is to sharpen ideas by creating opportunities and venues to develop investment-ready pilot projects. The fourth one is to develop the tools of social finance by using existing program funds to test new approaches.
ESDC has completed the first two steps and is currently advancing the last two.
Finally, the government is participating actively on the International Social Impact Investment Taskforce established as part of the U.K.'s G8 presidency in June 2013. This international work will result in the publication of a report in September 2014 that will include policy recommendations for governments.
In closing, the government's current social finance work represents a cautious incremental approach, testing social finance to see where it works best in Canada, and making adjustments based on early lessons learned.
Exploring the potential of social finance does not prevent the government from also assessing other ideas or concepts that address social problems, nor does it necessitate stopping current approaches that are already working.
Social finance is potentially another tool in the toolbox. It's complementary to existing programs that tackle social problems, and it's not meant to completely replace them, nor would it be appropriate for all social issues.
Thank you.