Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and committee members.
It's a pleasure to be here to address parliamentarians in my country and to talk to you about something that I'm very passionate about. Unfortunately, I don't have a formal presentation to make to you today. My call to the committee came the day before yesterday while I was on retreat in the country with a group called Circles of Support and Accountability, or CoSA.
I'm going off of whatever is on my brain pan right now on Circles of Support and Accountability. I have been doing this for the better part of 20 years, so let's just see how far we can get with that.
Circles of Support and Accountability addresses the needs of a group of people that makes us all kind of squirrelly and itchy and not feeling too good, and that is high risk, and let's just start there, not low risk, not medium risk, but high-risk sexual offenders returning from prison to communities. Nobody wants to work with that group. They scare us. They have caused irreparable damage in our communities. They have harmed people in ways that they will never recover from in most cases, and they are a worry, and they are a social problem as a group in our society.
In 1994 these people were returning to communities at the end of their sentence, after being detained to the very end of their sentence, to the very last day of their sentence, and put out in the community and told, “Take care of yourself and don't do that again.”
One of those fellows, his name was Charlie Taylor. He is deceased now. He was released to the community of Hamilton. He had spent most of his life in jail or incarcerated in one form or another, beginning with foster homes when he was eight years of age. I think the estimate was that he had never spent more than a couple of months on the street without being locked up someplace.
Charlie was a very high-risk sex offender. He was the kind who scares us, the kind who is actually very rare in our society, believe it or not, but the kind who would, when he wasn't feeling good, when he needed to soothe himself or take care of himself, go looking for a victim. Those victims were pre-adolescent boys, very young boys around the ages of five and six. I'll spare you the details of what he might have done to them.
He was coming from Warkworth penitentiary to the City of Hamilton. I know, sir, that's your riding and you know about Warkworth Institution. The police in Hamilton were worried. Everyone estimated, including Correctional Service Canada, that his chances of reoffending were about 100%. That's rare in our society, but it does happen.
Some members of a Hamilton Mennonite street church under the direction of Reverend Harry Nigh had been visiting Charlie in jail and knew that he was coming back to the community and they thought they needed to do something about it. “What if we pulled a group of volunteers together around Charlie and stayed with him every day and walked with him through his re-entry into the community? If anything comes up, we'll make sure that he has his needs met, but more importantly than that, we'll make sure that he's held accountable for his behaviour, that we know what he's doing, and that he can answer to us for his behaviour.”
The estimate was of 100% recidivism within a month. Charlie died 12 years later without another offence, the longest period of time that he had spent on the street in his entire life.
Since 1994, Circles of Support and Accountability has been replicated across this country in many of our major cities from the east coast, from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. There are 152 such people being served this month, high-risk sexual offenders in Circles of Support and Accountability, by 650 to 700 committed citizens, ordinary citizens with no particular expertise at all forming these circles of support and accountability around those 152 people.
I have to say that when we first came out with our statistics, we had to rerun these numbers again because we didn't believe them ourselves. In the Toronto pilot project we showed a 70% reduction in sexual recidivism among people who were in circles, compared to a matched sample control group who did not have a circle.
We didn't believe that. We ran it again and again and we came up with the same results and so we published them. In fact, the Correctional Service of Canada published that study in 1996, I believe it was.
We decided that we needed to replicate that study, and we did. We replicated it across the country in our projects and we came up with numbers that blew us away: an 83% reduction in recidivism; a 73% reduction in violent recidivism, including sexual reoffending; and a 70% reduction in all types of offending.
Those numbers are startling. They're startling to us, and if people wanted to question those, I think they'd be well within their right to say, “Wait a minute, there has to be something else going on here.”
These studies have then been replicated in Great Britain by Circles United Kingdom. After a 10-year follow-up of their circles, they came up with numbers that were very similar to ours in terms of reoffending. In the United States, in Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Corrections—Grant Dewey—have run the only random clinical trial for circles of support and accountability in Minnesota. They don't really want to publish anything until they're at the five-year mark, but when they go in and do a little data snooping and see where they're at, at the three-year mark, which matches where our follow-up period was, they came out with numbers almost identical to ours, in a random clinical trial.
It seems like they have something here.
Through the National Crime Prevention Centre, starting in 2009, we did a five-year evaluation of circles of support and accountability. What the National Crime Prevention Centre did was fund circles to their capacity so that they could operate at capacity in Canada, and then evaluated the circles of support across the country. It went through a process of identifying outcome measures, what those outcome measures should look like, what meaningful measures were, including recidivism. That study is due on September 30 or October 1 of this year.
We are doing a recidivism update on the numbers that I just gave you, where we had the 83%, 73%, and 70% reductions. We're updating those. That's happening right now. Those will be ready on October 1. We're finding that we have to do a complicated analysis. Looking at recidivism this way is going to test us, and we're going to find out what those numbers look like at the 8- and 10-year mark, which will be very meaningful.
Circles of support. I know you've wrestled at times with the idea of crime prevention versus recidivism, and should social impact bonds be used for what group of people—both, and one or the other. Circles of support and accountability is at once an absolutely astounding primary crime prevention tool to reduce victimization by people who are repeat offenders, and it is a recidivism prevention project. It's both in terms of recidivism and crime prevention. If you think of the numbers 83%, 73%, and 70% replicated in this country and in other countries around the world, think also really of the number of potential victims who were not victimized by these people. If we're serious about crime prevention and about lowering recidivism rates by preventing sexual assaults against our citizens, circles of support and accountability has to be one of the tools that we can use.
The Americans have come up with a cost-benefit analysis that demonstrates for every dollar spent on circles of support and accountability, there's an 82% return. The British came up with an 18% return on investment.
The Mennonite Central Committee of Ontario has done a social return on investment study, just published this year, that shows a $6 return for every dollar spent or invested on circles of support and accountability. It's early days in terms of social impacts and social returns, but we're beginning to identify what those factors might be. What would be the indicators for a social return? Reduced victimization, for sure. Mental health costs, for sure. A third of our people in circles of support and accountability suffer from mental health problems, and 50% suffer from mental health and addictions problems. These people are being addressed within a circle of support and accountability.
Unfortunately, the funding that brought circles of support and accountability to its capacity ends on September 30. We knew that this was going to happen. The reason that we did an evaluation study and partnered with the National Crime Prevention Centre was to demonstrate the effectiveness of circles of support and accountability.
It is kind of a mind boggler for us, and you're probably aware of this. Around about March 15, the Correctional Service of Canada, which is the major funder of circles of support outside of the National Crime Prevention Centre, said it was going to end funding March 31 of this year. We had our skirmish, and funding was restored until March 31, 2015, but my last conversation with the Correctional Service of Canada yesterday indicated that it will not renew the funding for Circles of Support and Accountability.
The funding of a nationwide program, a Canadian innovation in both crime prevention and recidivism reduction, involving ordinary citizens across this country who are invested in risk management within communities and community safety, is over as of March 31, 2015.