As I said at the last meeting and still maintain, one of the concerns that I have, especially in the area of public safety, is that this could be utilized as a way for governments, especially the federal government, to back out of some of its responsibilities and pass the funding for those responsibilities on to others at the business and the community levels.
You said one thing that bothered me a little. It was something along the lines that government doesn't necessarily hold those innovations. Why not?
There seems to be this great effort, in my view, to demonize government and what it can't do. There are lots of things that government does well. I'm not necessarily saying this particular government, but not everything it does is bad. We've got Public Safety, we've got Human Resources and Skills Development, we hire people like you for their expertise. They do have those innovations. Why would you say that government doesn't necessarily hold those innovations? That's why folks are hired.