I haven't seen people pulling out yet. I'll give you an example. I'm actually from the city of Toronto. In the city of Toronto, every year we build about 65,000 new units of housing. The size of the city is growing. Of those, I'd say less than 1,000 are affordable housing units.
I was in New York City speaking to some of the members who contributed to the development of the acquisition fund. New York City has an affordable housing target of 200,000 units. The only way they've been able to achieve that target is by creating the mechanisms for social financing to occur in the States.
It's not as though a government agency is pulling away its funding. If anything, governments are investing more, because the idea of catalyzing funds is that the more one party puts into the mix, the exponentially greater the financing placed by other partners will be. So, I'm not seeing a reduction, or people saying, “I'm going to pull out of participating.”