Sure. I suppose, then, I'll just take a moment to mention my primary interest in this area, which is the service provider.
The reason these organizations actually find this a very credible and valuable model for them is, one, the long-term capital. In the current granting system, when they're required to implement programs year after year and track those measurements only year by year, it's very difficult to actually prove the long-term objectives they want to see with their clients. This gives them an opportunity to improve measurement within their organizations over the long term. We find that very valuable. It's unrestricted as well, allowing organizations to actually meet their outcomes while we're moving from an output mentality to outcomes within the social sector.
We believe SIBs are one way of driving this kind of major philosophical change within the social sector. Certainly they're not the only way, but we believe SIBs can catalyze this large-scale reconstruction, I would say, of the outcomes we are trying to see within the social sector.
Thank you.