I think there certainly are opportunities for organizations, and we did hear from a number of presenters. Deloitte was one of them and they did suggest a whole key of questions that needed to be looked at and figured out ahead of time. You can't go in without some plan on this whole issue.
The other important thing to recognize is that governments can't do everything themselves. We don't have all the answers. There are other people outside who have other experience. They can bring some great ideas to government and if we sit back and say, “No, I'm sorry, that doesn't fit”.... I think we need to be able to look at them and we need to be able to try them out.
We just talked about CoSA. They were here just a couple of weeks ago, and they talked about what they had done with outside investors, and in this case it was funding from NCPC. Mr. Tupper talked about the potential of that. It could be one of these organizations that could potentially be providing funding and there could be some other community organization that would be prepared to help in that.
I think if you establish a set of conditions and rules around this whole process—obviously there has to be an audit and there has to be some way to measure the performance—there's an opportunity to look at these things rather than just to say, no, it's not possible. So in my view, that certainly is a real opportunity to do some sort of pilot project. I think we'd be remiss if we didn't even look at that opportunity.