I think that by and large the concept of social financing is not a black and white equation. I think the ability for us to find partners in the community who leverage resources there that aren't necessarily financial, but could be in-kind contributions from partners, means that it isn't about the government walking away from its obligation to pursue good policy with respect to offender reintegration into the community. It's about expanding the range of partners whom we work with in the community.
And so it's about our ability to find partners who may be willing to finance a project. For instance, with high-risk offenders, we are working with the John Howard Society to look at potential employment programs for those offenders who otherwise find it difficult to find employment. The society is able to make arrangements in the city, for instance, working with the city in the context of social housing where these offenders could be doing maintenance and care, or where the society is running a small enterprise and the individual offenders are earning income. They're supervised by John Howard and there's a benefit to the city, because through a contractual arrangement they are able to get services into social housing, and so there's a positive cycle there.
It isn't about replacing government. It's about expanding the partnerships and the relationships and leveraging other resources into successful outcomes for offender reintegration into the community.