Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee, for inviting me to join you remotely here today.
I know that you've heard several testimonies previously on social finance broadly, and also on the pay-for-success or social impact bond technique. What I have to offer is that for the last two years I've been leading a team that has been providing pro bono assistance on the government side of these projects to eight state governments and two city governments around the U.S.
Our role basically is to help these governments do proper cost-benefit analysis, think hard about what kinds of evaluations they want to set up, and, I guess more importantly, decide when it makes sense to do a pay-for-success project and when it doesn't. There are certainly as many projects that we've analyzed and we've recommended and that people have decided not to do as ones they've gone forward with.
The governments we're working with that are going forward on these projects are using this tool to adjust a wide range of policy areas, including early childhood education, homelessness, diabetes prevention, and most commonly, recidivism for ex-offenders. What I'd like to do with my few minutes here is to reflect on two things, really, that I think most of the U.S. governments using this tool are trying to accomplish.
The first is to do a better job of matching the right services to the right clients. The second is to generate evidence about which programs actually work and should be expanded, and which ones don't and need to be either reformed or replaced.
As you probably already know, under the most common social impact bond model, the government contracts for social services from a local service provider, or sometimes a team of providers, and the government pays entirely or almost entirely based on the results that are achieved, such as a 10% increase in employment, a 30% reduction in recidivism, or a 50% reduction in emergency room visits. The performance is rigorously evaluated, just as Mr. Butler said, by comparing the results of the people being served to the results of some sort of comparison group, so that impacts can be assessed.
If the program fails to meet the minimum performance targets, the government and the taxpayers don't pay, and then payments increase above the minimum threshold, up to some pre-agreed maximum. Sometimes these projects generate cost savings to the government in terms of reduced spending on remediation and paying for data outcomes. That can offset the full cost of these projects. Sometimes they offset some of the costs of the projects, but not all.
As an example that's related to this committee's work, consider a program that works with young men exiting the juvenile justice system. We know that without transitional support something like 60% of these young men end up back in prison within five years. In addition to the social cost of the new crimes they're committing, these high recidivism rates lead to big fiscal costs for the government, because the government ends up paying money to incarcerate the individuals.
Under a social impact bond model, the government contracts with the social service provider to help support these young men as they transition out of the juvenile justice system. The government then tracks the recidivism rate—the percentage of folks who were served in the program and who end up back and incarcerated—and compares that to a group of individuals who were not referred to the program. Then, at a predetermined time, they assess how the intervention did relative to the counterfactual and make payments based on the avoided bed-days of incarceration and perhaps on other things, such as the additional tax revenue that comes from increased employment.
Under this model, there's generally a lag of several years between when the services are delivered and when the results can be measured, and therefore, payments made to the service providers. The role of private investors in these projects is simply to bridge this gap. Private investors provide the operating funds to the social service providers so that they can deliver services up front and then wait to get repaid down the road after results have been demonstrated.
In the United States, there are four social impact bond projects that are actually delivering services already. Three of them are criminal justice programs working with ex-offenders to reduce recidivism and also to increase employment. The fourth is a preschool intervention. Let me talk in some further detail about one of the recidivism projects, the one in New York state.
The New York state project is targeting high-risk offenders coming out of the state prisons, and it's triaging and taking basically the half of the population coming out of prison that's at highest risk of reoffending. It's then connecting those folks, the highest-priority individuals, with the most intensive services. The particular program they are being connected with is delivered by the Center for Employment Opportunities, which delivers about four months of engagement with transitional and subsidized jobs, and then transitions people into permanent jobs. The basic model is to try to get someone into a job as soon as possible after they are released from prison.
The key thing here is that, as you know, in any sort of high-priority population, there's a range of different individuals who probably need a range of different services. The goal of the New York state project is to use data to try to figure out which individuals should be connected with which services, and in particular if there are some services that are the most expensive to provide and the most intensive interventions, you want to connect those to the highest-risk individuals.
This project is being piloted through a social impact bond project, but the hope is that, even beyond this project, this model of matching the right clients to the right services will get expanded, and it won't be just this one particular service. They will add other service providers and get better at figuring out which clients should be directed to which services over time.
What I think we've observed across the 10 governments we've been working with over the last couple of years is that there are three ways in which the social impact bond model is improving government performance.
The first thing it's doing is improving government decision-making. The SIB model brings important market discipline to government decisions about which of all the interventions out there should get scaled up and provided with more resources, because only interventions that have a strong enough track record to be able to attract the interest of private investors can get funded by this model. Projects that don't have a talented enough management team or don't really have evidence behind them are less likely to get resources.
The second thing I think we're seeing with this model is that it's helping governments shift resources from remediation towards prevention, so rather than waiting for bad outcomes down the road and incurring the budgetary costs for those, this model is allowing governments even in tight budget times to make additional investments, and preventive investments, which, in addition to providing better outcomes, will hopefully down the road yield some budget savings because we won't be paying for remediation.
The last thing this model seems to be doing—and I think this is actually the most important thing—is enabling governments to enter into much more effective multi-year collaborations with service providers to tackle tough social problems. It's really hard with traditional budgeting and contracting techniques to tackle a problem that takes a sustained effort over four to six years to solve. The political leadership that starts an initiative turns over. Annual budget cycles make it hard to make sustained commitments to providers, and just in general, it's hard to get everyone focused and headed in the same way on a sustained basis towards achieving a particular outcome.
These contracts seem to be enabling governments to do a more effective job of working on complex problems with private sector service providers, and to do so with a four-to-six-year time horizon, which is often how long it takes to actually make a dent in a social problem.
In conclusion, I want to say that we're really still experimenting with this technique. As I said, there are only four projects up and running in the U.S. We're working to develop another 12 right now with our partner governments.
It's important to realize that this tool is a very good fit for certain circumstances, but there are a bunch of places where it would also be a bad fit. So you have to be very careful to use it where it is a good fit and not where it's a bad fit, and you also have to design the projects carefully. It would be quite possible to design a project through which the wrong population was being served, for which the service provider was able to cream-skim and not target the highest-need individuals, and for which you didn't measure the right outcomes, and you could really, I think, do some damage by using this model if you didn't implement it well.
The key lesson I want to leave you with is that this tool, around the U.S., is allowing some innovative governors and mayors to tackle some problems that they don't think they can tackle with conventional mechanisms. But it's very much still an experimental tool that we are learning how to use, learning whether or not it truly will give us better results than the other tools within government tool kits.
Thank you. I'd be happy to take any questions.