Thank you.
Thank you for having us appear before you today.
Adam has given a broad overview of the social finance space and our work in it as the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing. I will just briefly describe the benefits that these tools could offer from a government perspective.
Social finance, as I'm sure you've heard a million times by now, is essentially a simple concept. It's an approach to managing money that targets a social or environmental impact alongside some form of financial return, which could be the return of the capital invested or could be in addition to a nominal return on top of that.
There's a broad range of partnerships and tools that fall into this space, and social impact bonds are only one of these. Some require government to enable or catalyze relationships, which then essentially can take place between the impact investor and a social enterprise. Social enterprises can take the form of non-profits, for-profits, or cooperatives.
From the government perspective, these relationships can drive private capital into social services and ventures that contribute to improving social and economic outcomes for individuals and for their communities. As we know from the business world, good ideas need capital to scale, and this is no different in the social sector.
In the area of crime prevention, these good ideas could be found in areas ranging from a job training initiative that helps connect ex-offenders into the labour force, a mental health facility that helps address some of the root causes of crime, early childhood education that's designed around the principle of teaching. These are just a few scattered examples, but I think there's a lot of possibility.
Many really excellent service providers are out there with effective programs that are already receiving government funds as well as philanthropic dollars. This is great. This should continue. But impact investing can offer an additional source of funding, which can help to test new ideas, encourage innovation, and it can also help scale up the most effective among these approaches.
Social impact bonds, as we've mentioned, is one tool among this wider group. I'll spend a little bit more time talking about its particular benefits, given that it's the model in which government is more directly involved as a funder.
There are three main benefits from the government perspective. The first is that the social impact bond involves payment on the basis of outcomes. This is a bit different from the way in which government grants are typically organized. So for payment for results, while it can take other forms, it's only in the case of a social impact bond that smaller service providers are able to be in the picture. Large service providers have the resources to enter into these types of contracts without investors to cover their cashflow needs, but for a small service provider, the investment money is required up front.
This focus on outcomes incents collaboration between service providers and helps to fill service gaps. It also necessitates rigorous evaluation and data collection, and helps us learn what works. So social impact bonds by design involve data capture on the basis of outcomes.
The unique incentive and accountability structure involves three parties that are all holding one another to account, and all seeking to target the outcomes that were agreed upon in the contract at the beginning of the agreement. In some cases, the outcomes that are being targeted could be associated with net savings to government, although this is not necessarily the case.
The second major benefit is that social impact bonds provide access to working capital for non-profit service providers over a much longer period of time. This can provide service providers room to innovate and adjust during the course of the agreement on the basis of new information as they receive it. This, again, is a bit different from the norm in government funding arrangements, where regular reporting requirements on outputs rather than outcomes and a high bar for adapting to new information can stifle innovation.
The third reason I would point out is that, under a social impact bond, financial risk is effectively transferred to the investors and away from government. Social impact bonds can be used to test untried innovative approaches or, which has more often been the case so far, to scale up or replicate an approach that has evidence of success. But even in those cases, there is some risk to that replication, that scaling up, and that risk can be transferred to the investors allowing the government to pay only if the outcomes are achieved.
One final note I would make is that I think the jury is still out on whether social impact bonds are a tool for testing new innovations, which would then, if successful, flip into a direct funding model, or whether the social impact bond, in and of itself, because of this unique accountability and incentive structure, is able to provide better outcomes. I think we don't yet know which of those two worlds we're in.
We do know that social impact bonds are not appropriate for every issue, and should be entered into with open eyes. They're new, and as Adam pointed out, they're as yet unproved. In our view, though, they have potential and warrant exploration.
Within the broader social finance space, there's a lot of activity that is not new and has been generating innovative partnerships and helping to improve the well-being of communities for quite some time.
The government could pursue initiatives designed to further enable this activity, and could help to direct private capital towards such priorities as crime prevention, where it would like to see additional activity take place. I can speak to this in more detail, if there's interest, but this could take the form of reducing red tape and creating a more enabling environment. It could take the form of catalyzing private capital similar to the actions that have been taken in the venture capital space, through impact investment funds or credit enhancement-style measures.
I'll leave it there and respond to questions.