Thank you for that.
I have said before in this committee and in some other committees that.... You know, the Albert Einstein definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
With that in mind, I would suggest to you that with all the skepticism with regard to new approaches...and I do look at some of what you say at act as an incubator and an innovator. Well, innovation in and of itself means that you're trying to do something different to achieve, if not different results, at least better results.
With that in mind, then, I guess I go back to some of the other things both of the witnesses said, that governments are reticent to try something new because of their fear of failure. Of course, those who oppose whoever is in the government, and it doesn't matter who it is, would like to jump on it and say, “There. You're an abject failure,” whereas in business, I've been told that if you don't innovate, in the new society you'll probably fail. So fear of failure is not an option. You just go ahead and do the best you can to make sure the program or the business you're into will be successful.
That brings me to one of the former witnesses we had before the committee who surveyed 80 companies that are familiar with this and think this new ground we're looking at or considering treading upon is.... There are 80 companies prepared to invest. Are you familiar with this statement, and would you say it's relatively correct?