The community contribution company is basically.... If you have a non-profit society that's providing services and you want to incorporate your service provider as a non-profit society, you can do that. Under our model you can also choose to incorporate as a community contribution company. You have two choices. With the non-profit side, you get a tax credit, or you get a tax writeoff if you invest in it and make a donation to a non-profit site. That does not happen with a community contribution company. It's intended to blend some of the business model with the service provider model, in that fashion.
How do we start using some of the principles of business that have made us successful in a lot of ways as a society, technologically, and in creating wealth? How do we use some of these principles in those organizations that have been really good at providing social programs, and balancing that? I keep asking myself, how do we take care of each other in this society? What are the things we do to take care of each other? What's the principle behind that? What am I doing to help take care of the people I work with?
Business has a wonderful way of providing money for a number of other social programs. What are the things societies can do in terms of that? What are the things we can all do in creating legislation or creating opportunity for those people who seem to have some significant challenges?
If I can just be a little bit tangential, not that I haven't been already, some of the studies being done now.... Clyde Hertzman and Fraser Mustard developed the early childhood educational development index in B.C., which has now gone international. They were looking at how prepared children at four and five were to enter school. The disparity across the province of British Columbia was incredible in terms of their preparedness.
Clyde, unfortunately, passed away in the last year, but he came to me once and said, “Gord, if you guys can spend only $1.5 billion a year, we can reduce all the future costs. Things will be way better.” I said, “That's great, Clyde. Can you prove that?” He said, “Absolutely.” I said, “Can you prove that to the benefit of those people who'd like to invest in it?” It became a little bit more difficult.
As I was saying, if you want to try to do that.... We don't have the money to do it, but if you're able to show us that and we can pay at the end of it, then that's great.
There's also the CRACOW instrument, which is now being developed by a number of criminologists. They're looking at four different cohorts. They're looking at the impact of being able to predict who is going to become a burden to society in one way or another. They're looking at the first cohort as conception, the whole prenatal period to birth. Then it's birth to five, five to twelve, and twelve to eighteen. They're looking at a number of variables within that.
In the last conversation I had with one of the lead authors of that, he said that they can predict with up to 90% predictability those people who will be needing a number of government services. They're able to predict that by age five.
If we're looking at macro interventions in terms of providing opportunities for some of these people to actually flourish, to have an opportunity like so many of the rest of us have had, then that seems to be a good place to be putting some of our investments over the long term.