Thank you.
There's an enormous amount of work on the safety of women, and there are two broad areas. One is violence against women in the family and personal violence, and the other is women's safety in cities. There are now an extraordinary number of very interesting programs being carried out internationally in Delhi, in Cairo sadly, in many cities, such as Rosario in Argentina, and in a lot of other places. Much of this work began in Canada and is looking at women's sense of safety in the city and things that you can do to improve the environment for women, and to make city parks and other places safer for them.
This is another movement within crime prevention. It's an aspect of the prevention of violence against women that has expanded very rapidly over the last 10 or 15 years.
In terms of violence against women in the family, partner violence is a very stubborn problem. I think in terms of social finance, it would be a very interesting area to put money into. My suspicion is that it would be extremely difficult to make money, in other words to have a social impact bond in relation to reducing family violence and violence by partners, because it is very stubborn. It's the main cause of death of women in many countries now. The main cause of homicide is personal violence.