I wouldn't say that it wouldn't interest investors. I think it could interest them a great deal. I just think it would be extremely difficult to make big inroads into reducing it, because it is extremely difficult, and much of the work that needs to be done is in terms of being aware of people in difficulties, giving support to people, trying to improve general advertisements, and trying to change attitudes of young men. Maybe that's the best area. There's a lot of work now on the attitudes of young boys and men, and the involvement of sporting personalities in changing attitudes towards young women.
The World Health Organization has done a study looking at the most successful crime prevention programs that have been replicated and work everywhere. One study shows that programs that teach young kids in school, school-aged kids, about good relations between the genders is the most effective at reducing violence against women. In other words, is has to do with preventing teen violence. That is a very successful project. There have been some projects in Canada and other countries, and it's about the only one that seems to reduce future violence.