Thank you for your question.
This afternoon, I provided you with a report on the terrorist threat, in both official languages. I invite you to read through it. Canada has published a very detailed report on terrorist threats.
I want to draw your attention to the statement I made. I feel that the threat of terrorism is our top national security issue. That is why we, as legislators, must do everything we can to combat this terrorist threat. As parliamentarians, you know that I am very proud to have supported measures to revoke the citizenship of those who have dual citizenship and who are engaging in terrorist activities.
As a Canadian citizen, I don't want people using a Canadian passport for terrorist purposes. When people come here, adopt Canadian values, use a Canadian passport, take an oath of allegiance and then turn against the society that has welcomed them, I call that treason. The judge shares my opinion. As politicians, I think we need to be tough and we need to equip ourselves with the tools to combat terrorism.
To respond to your question, when it comes to operational matters, we as politicians have the duty to provide guidance and develop tools but leave it up to law enforcement agencies to take the appropriate action with respect to prosecution and intervening in potentially illegal activities.