The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health received over $930,000 from 2010 to 2014 for the national youth screening project. This has led to piloting of standard screening and assessment tools in 10 communities across Canada, which quickly and reliably identify youth who may have one or more mental health or addiction problems. It improved pathways to care for youth, with screening tools implemented by front-line workers, working with youth in other sectors including mental health, youth justice, child welfare, education, and housing. It increased early identification and intervention, with more than 500 front-line workers trained and more than 1,300 youth screened using the common screening and assessment tool created under this funding. That's with regard to treatment.
Then with the drug strategy community initiative fund, one example under there would be that the Council on Drug Abuse is presently receiving close to $1.4 million for a three-year drug abuse prevention program for aboriginal and vulnerable youth in northern and prairie school communities. This project is training local educators on the youth drug prevention initiative, engaging youth in the youth advisory councils, and delivering in-class education programs that increase the awareness of harmful effects of drug use and provide youth with life-coping skills to help build resiliency and ultimately avoid substance abuse.
Thank you.