I was the minister responsible for the downtown eastside at the time, just for this particular area, and I found that out.
Mr. Berner, you talked about a conflict of interest by doctors, by Dr. Montaner and the others who did this particular project. Do you think there is conflict of interest when the minister who brought forward this bill, the day it was introduced, the party to which the minister belongs sent out a fundraising letter saying they were bringing forward this bill so they could stop all those junkies from hanging around in their neighbourhood? Do you think that's a conflict of interest?
Also, you said that you run a treatment centre. It's a private treatment centre, and so you make money out of that. Do you believe that is a conflict of interest, the fact that Insite may cause governments to try to put in public treatment centres as opposed to private treatment centres? Do you think those are conflicts of interest? You seem to know a lot about conflicts of interest, Mr. Berner.