Thank you very kindly and thank you for the courtesy.
To our witnesses, we apologize for being late, but we've obviously had a delay in Parliament because of our voting procedures and processes, which happens here every now and then, sometimes too frequently, some people say, but we are now back.
We will hear opening statements. I realize you have up to 10 minutes, but the Chair would certainly appreciate, as I know our committee members do because we are a little short of time, if you would try to abbreviate them down to five, if at all possible.
We will now go to our witnesses for an opening statement and we will follow with Qs and As. The Chair will have a look at the time and would maybe suggest to our committee that instead of seven and five, we would drop down to five and two. I will leave that for you to deliberate between now and then. By the time we get to that, I think we will have the time. That should get us a little closer to having a little bit more involvement.
Ms O'Sullivan, would you make your opening statement, please.