Absolutely, I fully agree with you.
I believe that while we have to make sure we are providing all the tools, especially to our national security agency, the service, in this case, we also need to continue to invest ourselves in the four pillars of our counter-terrorism strategy, particularly in the domain of prevention. This is exactly what was agreed upon amongst the 300 participants who took part in the Halifax international security conference that just ended yesterday, where there was a consensus among western countries that we need to reach out with outreach to communities. You have the example of the Toronto 18. As you know, it was because of the bridges we had built with the communities that we were able to deter this terrorist attack that was plotted. Mr. Coulombe is very aware of this.
In the meantime we also need to show our unwavering commitment in tracking those who are committing terrorist attacks or are willing to do so. This also includes hate violence, whether in their behaviour or in their speech. We also need to make sure we have the tools that are necessary, and not only our national security agency but our national law enforcement needs to have the tools as well. That's why I and our government intend to come back with further legislation to address this gap we are now faced with.