Good afternoon, colleagues and guests. Welcome to meeting number 40 of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security.
Today, pursuant to the order of reference of Tuesday, November 18, Bill C-44, an act to amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and other acts, will be dealt with.
Appearing before us here today is the Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. We also have François Guimont, the deputy minister. From the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, we have Mr. Michel Coulombe, director; and from the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we have Nicole Girard, director general, citizenship and multiculturalism branch. These will be our witnesses for the first hour.
At the end of the first hour, Minister Blaney will be excused. The other witnesses, I believe, will be staying. We have other additional witnesses who will be arriving for the second hour.
With that understanding, I will now open the floor to opening statements by our witnesses.
Minister Blaney, you have the floor.